Analysis Of Mary Shelly's Frankenstein

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Frankenstein might have been one of the most monotonous texts to read. The words were outside of my vocabulary, things were dragged on and it was a lot of reading, but beside all of those things, the structure of this story is very fascinating. The very concept of it is outstanding. To have the imagination and writing skills to pull something out like this is truly amazing. I respect Shelly highly of this, even if I found the book torturous to read. When an author composes a literary work, he or she must make many decisions. One of which concerns how to structure specific parts of the text. They have to decided where to begin or end a story, how to order the events, and whether or not to provide a comedic or tragic resolution, like Shakespeare for example, but I 'm not here to talk about him, I 'm here to talk about Mary Shelly 's Frankenstein! In this essay, I will analyze her …show more content…

Petersburg, Russia. He 's waiting for someone to take him to the port of Archangel, where he 's going to hire a few Russians to go sailing off to the North Pole. Things happen to take a turn and the boat gets stuck in impassible ice which unfortunately happens to run hundreds of miles from land. In his time of waiting, he writes letters to his sister back in England, and tells her he seeks company. in his time of waiting he meets the monster, therefore starting the entertaining part of Frankenstein."I feel my heart glow with an enthusiasm which elevates me to heaven, for nothing contributes so much to tranquilize the mind as a steady purpose — a point on which the soul may fix its intellectual eye." Letter 1 She did this story in a structure of a flashback to make it more interesting. It impacts this story by giving the monster human emotions. Thus forever changing how we truly see Frankenstein and his

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