Stereotyping And Gender Roles In Little Women By Louisa May Alcott

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Is it common knowledge that in a large group of adults in America, 45 percent still says that society favors men over women? Female’s position in the society has improved since the 19th century. For example, in Little Women by Louisa May Alcott, the main characters struggle with gender inequality and the lack of women’s rights. Stereotyping and gender roles could lead to a dangerous situation in some cases. Gender roles and stereotyping led some females to suicidal thoughts or even suicide because of the pressure to be the women society tells them to be. “Negative stereotypes hinder peoples ' ability to fulfill their potential by limiting choices and opportunities.” (Puri 2011) Despite the drastic change between the 19th century and today’s world, stereotyping and gender inequality still thrives within homes, workplaces, and even learning environments.
In the 19th century women were nothing more than a maid in the eyes of the society. …show more content…

Unfortunately not much has changed since the 19th century. Today, women are still treated unfairly in households simply because they are females. An example of the mistreatment of females in today’s society is the unequal distribution of household labor. Women are expected to balance childcare, household chores, and a career. Even though the male only contributes to the money brought home. Some say chores aren’t considered labor, but in all honesty, chores could be a great amount of stress on a female or even a male. “Gender inequality in the division of household labor entails important economic and social-psychological consequence for women.” (Calasanti and Bailey 34) Within homes, stress can pile up and cause depression in some

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