Analysis Of Jane Gallop's Feminist Accused Of Sexual Harassment

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Liberation vs Oppression In Jane Gallop’s Feminist Accused of Sexual Harassment, Gallop details a case in which she was accused by two graduate students of sexual harassment. Gallop, a strong believer in feminism, disputes these claims by making an argument for the necessary intertwining of pedagogy and sexuality. Drawing from anecdotes about her experience with the anti-pornography movement, Gallop expands on her lengthy career as a feminist scholar in order to analyze the discourse in the feminist community during the late 20th century. Although she makes several well constructed feminist arguments, Gallop fails to sufficiently defend her troubling sexual behavior. Gallop begins by describing her feminist and sexual awakening that began …show more content…

They allowed for the formation of interpersonal relationships that led to the developing community of scholars. However, the liberation is no longer front and center, and the even playing ground for professors and students is gone. Gallops repeatedly butts head with different factions of feminists for her continued affairs with students. The newer feminists fight against oppression rather than for liberation, and are troubled with Gallop’s display of sexuality. Here, Gallop’s argument begins to become problematic. She accuses such feminists as being against the open discussion of sexuality. There is some truth in this; as an academic, Gallop is of the right mind to defend the intellectual development of feminism. Unfortunately, such open discussions tend to lead her on a dangerous path. Gallop says early on that feminism makes her feel “smart and sexy” (6). She fetishizes the women’s liberation movement, and after seeing the lesbian couple, she begins to fetishize the teacher-student dynamic as well. This becomes especially troubling when she is a professor herself, and continues to do this. When she describes her encounter with a student that will eventually lead to sexual harassment claims, it is clear that the conversation is sexually stimulating to her. Fittingly, the conversation is about the “erotics of pedagogy” (89). Gallop’s description of her “highly charged” relationship with her student is noteworthy. This is the moment where it becomes clear that Gallop simply cannot separate sexuality and feminist academia. She is constantly seeking these sorts of relationships throughout her academic career, and her behavior becomes highly inappropriate. The fact that she choses to use her student to make a spectacle of their kiss, escalating the situation beyond any of the harmless, non-sexual good byes

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