Analysis Of Interpreter Of Maladies

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“Pleasure may come from illusion but happiness can come only of reality.” –Anonymous. Although finding pleasure by means of illusion may be effective temporarily, a relationship is incapable of flourishing without the assistance of reality. In the book Interpreter of Maladies, there are constant battles of characters escaping illusion involving Indian culture, told through short stories. Indifferent relationships will cause a couple to stray from reality and separate themselves from reaching mere happiness. In the stories, “A Temporary Matter” and “Interpreter of Maladies,” the use of alliteration and symbolism emphasize the failing relationships of Shukumar and Shoba and the two marriages of Mrs. Das and Mr. Kapasi with the common theme of …show more content…

reality to represent the unhappy arranged marriages of the Das Family and the Kapasi Family, and the miscommunications that come of them. For instance, Mr. Kapasi and Mrs. Das make eye contact in “the rearview mirror: pale, a bit small, their gaze fixed but drowsy” (50). The rearview mirror constantly symbolizes the couple's diminishing relationships and the past differences within each pair. Looking into the rearview mirror displays the illusion that Mr. Kapasi reflects onto the factitious relationship between him and Mrs. Das. Furthermore, the Das Family appears unified for their Christmas picture although they are quite the opposite: “But we could use one of these pictures for our Christmas card this year. We didn’t get one of all five of us at the Sun Temple” (61). This emphasizes the ‘perfect family’ fantasy that the Das’s are trying to parade. Hiding from the truth, the Das Family continuously turns away from the fact that they are all miserable. Inversely, Mr. Kapasi’s dream of him and Mrs. Das pursuing to talk after their visit gets destroyed when “the slip of paper with Mr. Kapasi’s address on it fluttered away in the wind” (69). By the end of this short story, the reality of Mr. Kapasi’s dream to end up with Mrs. Das is exposed when this paper flies up with the monkeys. While this illusion is overcome with the truth, the forged relationship between Mr. and Mrs. Das remains a

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