Analysis Of Immanuel Kant's Perpetual Peace

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Integration on a global scale or an organisation, a body, a government to control over all the states in the world, is it really possible? A world government notion will rise upon the idea of ending all the disputes, achieving the world peace and as H. G. Wells claimed “the only possible solution of the human problem” (Wells). Immanuel Kant outlined the idea of a peaceful community in his book Perpetual Peace: A Philosophical Sketch. He argued on the establishment of peaceful world community and achievement of this will not follow the path of establishing the world government. On the other hand it will construct from the cooperation of the Free States by respecting its citizens and foreign people as the same and by their promotion on peaceful …show more content…

future shaped by wars. The side who win the battle shape the sole future of their opponent. This can also be related with the quote of Winston Churchill “History is written by the victors”. While indicating the League of Nations I claimed that absence of United States of America created emptiness over authority. This does not mean that United States creates the sole authority by itself still, without United States there isn’t a neutral country with a powerful military force left in League. The League cannot establish checks and balances system in itself that’s why decisions upon pre World War II period leaned to the victors of World War I. United Nations establish its check system on the countries by the support of super powers. We can see its example of Korean War in United Nations Security Council Resolution 84. Security Council with the resolution 84 recommended the member countries of the United Nations provide such assistance to the Republic of Korea as may be compulsory to repel the attack and re-establish peace and security. Security Council with that decision establish the United Nations Command under the leadership of United States of America to stop the North Korea’s advancement and drive back them to north of 38th Parallel. This was the first time an army established among the decision of United Nations. But, this event leads us on this question will United Nations able to stop a conflict if the conflict started or conducted by a super power like United States or Russian Federation. The answer can be found in recent events. With the annexation of Crimea by Russian Federation, Vetoes of People’s Republic of China and Russian Federations on the Security Council’s resolution on condemning Syrian government and taking immediate action towards the Syrian Civil War or France’s role on preventing United Nation’s help to prevent genocide on Rwanda. These examples show us that United Nations cannot act beyond

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