Community, Identity And Stability In Huxley's Brave New World

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"Community, Identity, Stability.” In Huxley’s Brave New World, these three words hang in a sign over the Central London Hatchery and Conditioning Centre, which creates and conditions new human life. Brave New World is an altar-universe that values multiple things that our society deems odd. Knowledge is an important aspect in a hard worker, leaders, and for a fair and just society. When knowledge is no longer desired in a society, that society becomes a society of no individuality, relationships, or freedom.
Brave New World and the society’s values have taken knowledge away from everyday people. Only leaders and those in power have access to these ideas and opportunities to expand their knowledge and role in society. This is done to prevent …show more content…

In their society, people do not desire monogamous relationships. They do not desire to deeply know and understand another person and his or her feelings. Relationships do not exist in this reality. Individuals were brought up by conditioning, not by families. No one understands what it means to belong. They do not desire knowledge and are not curious about understanding relationships and understand their feelings. For example, “Fanny 's tone was coaxing, ‘it 's not as though there were anything painful or disagreeable about having one or two men besides Henry. And seeing that you ought to be a little more promiscuous …’” Lenina is being called out by Fanny because of her desire to return to Henry every night. Lenina is curious about Henry and her own feelings towards him and wishes to understand them. This desire of knowledge and understanding has led to her being labeled as an outcast my …show more content…

Islands were designed by the government to preserve society’s lack of knowledge of the past and new, curious ideas. Those who are sent to the island are described as, “the people who, for one reason or another, have got too self-consciously individual to fit into community-life. All the people who aren 't satisfied with orthodoxy, who 've got independent ideas of their own.” Since society lacks knowledge and curious thinking, those who do not fit that standard are sent away to prevent their ideas and curiosities from spreading throughout

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