Analysis Of Hitachi Inspire The Next Advertisement

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The Bloomberg Businessweek magazine is notorious for persuading business owners, potential business owners, business executives, and college business graduates, over and over again to own or have the highest profile technology to make businesses thrive. And programs for every day. Even when you are educated by the world of business, or just with advertisements, Bloomberg Businessweek magazine still finds a way to get people drawn into their tactics. Which happens to be great techniques since everything has and should be bigger and better in the world of business, which is their main target. It is constantly growing and constantly changing. Technology is changing, especially. And in order to keep up, is to have the latest everything. The Hitachi Inspire the Next advertisement is clearly engaging when one considers the audience, design, and appeals (Hitachi). In their Hitachi Inspire the Next advertisement, their audience is very specific. It seems to be aimed at most likely men, who prefer having a better, safer, and more efficient …show more content…

One would probably have gone into it thinking I already know what they are trying to do. And they still made you convinced that Hitachi’s security system was the best choice to keep cities safe around the world. The magazine also obviously talks about marketing, and techniques that sell, telling you exactly what the advertisements in the magazine is trying to accomplish. But without having the knowledge of the rest of the magazine and what Bloomberg Businessweek is selling, a reader would never be able to pick up on that. However, I am sure people were oblivious to what Hitachi, and Bloomberg were doing in. This is just showing that marketing companies will clearly always find a way to persuade you to buy their products because they know exactly how to target a potential consumer extremely

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