Analysis Of Harriet Jacobs Incidents In The Life Of A Slave Girl

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The Difficulties Experienced by the Slave Women
In Harriet Jacobs book called; Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl, she describes her life in an enthralling story that clearly reveals how complicated the lives of slaves were before the Civil War. As a result, she portrays the ruthless punishments, privation of food and sufficient clothing, severe labor and wrecked families.
In this book, Harriet Jacobs discloses the cultural binary structures of black and white women. Moreover, she mainly concentrates on the subject of a woman’s sexual history to show that gender conventional images, which make the life of women slaves harsher than slavery for men. Furthermore, she focuses significantly on the dissolution of forced marriages, describing …show more content…

When Linda has turned fifteen years old, she starts to realize the drawbacks of being attractive, because in most cases, appreciation in white woman only increases with the deterioration of the female slave. The main possible reason for such kind of behaviour is jealousy, which misstress mostly feels toward the beauty and youthfulness of a female slave. In her article, she focuses on new cult for a real sisterhood, by revealing a terrible situation of that issue, related to the mistreatment of the individuals of the black race, in the whole community and making the general population informed about this situation not limited to few women.Moreover, darker-skinned slaves worked in the plantation, whereas lighter-skinned slaves worked in a household field. Discrimination still exists today. Often lighter skinned blacks are considered more attractive than darker skinned blacks within their own community.
The third possible effect of race on “sisterhood” is the position of African American people at that period of time. The obstacles to the establishment of the sisterhood were formulated among the different political, economic, and social positions that women of two races took in the development of slavery. The ideology of a genuine femininity was referred to white women, which led to the inequality in the social position of the black and white

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