Erikson's Psychosocial Theory Of Development Essay

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Theory of Development In the article Erikson’s psychosocial theory of development it talks about how Erikson focuses and breaks down each developing stage off personality in a persons life. His ideas and thoughts about this were highly influenced by the great Sigmund Freud, however Freud was an id psychologist where as Erikson was an ego psychologist. This meant Erikson glorified the role of culture and society and problems that can take place within the ego, unlike Freud who focused on the conflict between the id and the superego of a person. Erikson came up with a lifespan model of development of taking five stages up to the age of 18 and the three more stages into adulthood. These stages are somewhat guidelines on how to successfully establish …show more content…

This stage is the identity versus role confession stage, it occurs during adolescences in between ages 12 to 18 years old. During this stage children are fresh out of stage 4, industry versus interiority, where they have just established a sense of pride for the accomplishments and are feeling more confident. Children are starting to become more independent and want to belong to society and “fit it” with everyone. They start to look into the future and think about their career, jobs, relationships, more adult like stations. The young adult begins to re-examine their identity and really try to find out who they are. Erikson suggests that the two identities that are involved with this re-examine are the child’s sexual and occupational …show more content…

Some may recognize the saying “I don’t know what I want to be when I grow up” a common phrases among role confusion. This simply means the person is not sure about themselves or their place in the world. The young adults sometimes respond to role confusion by exploring different activities or lifestyles such as a new job, school, or friend group. Although some adults might be facing role confusion it is never good to pressure someone into being someone their not. This can lead to a negative identity or upset feeling and

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