Analysis Of Elodea Densa

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Abstract: In this experiment, the amount of oxygen gases produced by an aquatic plant was measured in various concentrations of sodium bicarbonate. The plant Elodea densa was submerged into two test tubes, containing a specific concentration of sodium bicarbonate for each individual group, and the total amount of O2 produced in mL was recorded for each test tube in a specified in amount of time. The data from the groups was collected a put into table. It was predicated that, with an increase in sodium bicarbonate concentration there would be in an increase in O2. The results were graphed, and using graphpad a t-test was administered. The results concluded the null hypothesis is rejected in favor of alternative hypothesis. The experimental results, did not match the predicated results, based on the graph, there was not a direct …show more content…

The test tubes were labeled. Each of the Erlenmeyer flasks were filed with approximately 225 mL of regular tap water. The two of the aquatic plant Elodea densa was obtained. Each plant was submerged in a solution of 0.5% solution of sodium bicarbonate in a test tube, and approximately 0.5 cm was cut off the stem. A rubber stopper, containing an attached pipette, and syringe and need was placed over each test tube. Then, the stopper was gently pushed into each test tube, making sure no air bubbles were present. Each of the Erlenmeyer flasks containing the test tubes was then placed in front of a lamp. After being calibrated in front of the lamp for 10 minutes, the reading was taken for 40 minutes. Finally the lamp was turned off. Following the experiment, the results were entered into an Excel spreadsheet. Using the online t-test software “graphpad”, an unpaired t-test was generated. In this investigation the light intensity, and temperature, and aquatic plant (Elodea densa) were constant, and thus where the control variables. (Rush,

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