Biopsychosocial Approach Case Study

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The Biopsychosocial approach was created Dr George Engel and Dr John Romano in Rochester. The approach applies the biological, psychological and social factors to understanding mental health. These factors exist along each other.
The Biological Model is basically a physical cause for the mental health disorder. The model is concerned with factors such as disease, genetics and physiology. There are four key areas which are physical causes. These are micro-organisms, neuro-anatomy and genetics bio-chemistry. This approach tells us that if there is a physical problem, there is a possible cure. The social model treats all the social attributes as determinants of mental illness. This is a broader view of the psychiatric illness than all the …show more content…

It isn 't practical to assume that every mental illness is the cause of a physical injury or society. If this is assumption is taken for every mental illness then treatment could become confused and this may have consequences. Some can be explained by the model but is wrong assume the model can be applied to every illness. “Some critics feel that incorrect behavior (such as anti-social behavior, for instance) cannot be treated as a medical condition, as very rarely do biological factors have a role in inducing it” (Varnekar, 2016). They believe that by assuming that this behaviour is an illness effects the credibility of psychiatry because it doesn 't seem rational to place illnesses such as schizophrenia in the same barrier as anti-social behaviour. The effects on an individuals society includes their religious beliefs, relationships, work, past incidents etc. To try and take into account all these social aspects in impractical. Its very difficult to decide which social factors should be considered alongside the biological and psychological factors. Therefore, its very hard for experts to help treat a patient because it becomes delayed or confused trying to include all or exclude certain social …show more content…

These are often complex and involve a range of different factors. Difficulty in relationships, as in the Social Model, is a common reason. Repeated conflict and difficult family systems often lead to mental illness. Events that effect a young persons independence, identity and autonomy can have an impact on a young person. “Fleming et al(2007) found that knowing someone who has attempted suicide. Having symptoms of depression, alcohol misuse, and lesbian, gay and transgender relationships were associated with an increased risk of suicide.” (Claveirole and Gaughan, 2011). A young person is often more vulnerable to suicide if they suffer from depression, low self-esteem, and hopelessness. Often those who abuse substances; are aggressive; have risky sexual behaviour; and suffer from health problems have a higher rate in mental illness. Having a relative with a mental illness creates a risk for a person to develop mental health problems. Stressful situations can lead to illness, for example, financial problems, a loved ones death or divorce. Brain injuries and abuse as a child are also risk factors. Lack of friends or if a person has had a mental illness in the past means that a person is more

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