Analysis Of Cooking With Dog

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The structure of this recipe is difficult to follow. Cooking with Dog is a culinary show, so the recipe is in the form of a tutorial video. Ingredients and instructions intermingle throughout the video, meaning that a cook must watch it before making the dish, so they can gather the ingredients. It is inconvenient to have the ingredients listed throughout the video, instead of having a list of ingredients separate from the instructions. This is a common drawback to using videos as the medium to convey a recipe. However, it is helpful to see a person making Inarizushi, because it helps the chef visualize the instructions that must be put into action. Overall, I am not a fan of this type of recipe organization. The techniques in this recipe are complex. It involves frying, steaming rice, stirring rice, stir-frying the tofu and vegetables and cutting the ingredients into tiny pieces. At first glance, this does not seem challenging, but each step must be performed in a certain way. For example, the cook cannot merely stir the rice. Instead, they must stir it while flipping it over, so the rice does not become mushy and inedible. A majority of the recipe relies on telling the chef to remove any excess, and specifying exact instructions on how to prepare the ingredients. This …show more content…

There is no indication of how to get certain ingredients, even though there needs to be for Western chefs. At the end of recipe video the chef talks about how delicious the inarizushi is. It’s almost as if the video is no longer a recipe, but a commercial trying to talk up the food. Inarizushi is a complicated recipe that can be made by newer chefs, but it would take a lot of dedication. However, this recipe is tailored towards mothers, due to the chef mentioning that the rolls are easy to put into a Bento box, which is a traditional school lunch for Japanese children. However, it requires patience and

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