Theme Of The Woman In The Yellow Wallpaper

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In Charlotte Perkins Gilman 's, the story consists of a woman ( the narrator ) and her husband John. The woman in the story is insane. She was originally diagnosed with mental illness in the beginning of the story by her husband; however, she is actually becomes crazy towards the end of the story. She did not go crazy on her own. Based on the following, it is evident that that the plot characters and the and symbolism demonstrate that the woman is crazy and is also the woman in the yellow wallpaper.
The story begins with two characters: the woman and her husband John. John’s occupation is a doctor while the woman is a stay at home wife.The woman explains early on how she is suffering from mental illness. According to her husband she has “temporary nervous depression.” In the beginning, the couple is not home; they are renting out a mansion while their house is being remodeled. The husband thinks that it is best if his wife stays in her room alone, in which she does not like. Automatically, this shows that she is limited and restricted in what she can and cannot do. This also demonstrates that this plot is taking place in a much older time because the woman is taking directions from her husband.
In the house, there is not much to do. There are no technology resources to be …show more content…

The woman is restricted from living the way she wants to. She has to no option just like the woman stuck in wallpaper has to option to get out. The paper also represents the she has been given. For example, the woman did not want to be in the room. She also did not like the paper. The paper was an inconvenience for her because she hates the color and design. Unfortunately, he has no other option but to look at it or be by it. This is just like her life. She has to do things she does not want to and cannot do things she wants to. These are things that are unfortunate but she does not do anything to stop the situations she does not

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