Analysis Of Cangialosi's 'Healing Through The Written Word'

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Stress is everywhere, one in eight Americans complain about being stressed. Thus, from stress people tend to get anxiety, depression, and feel unhappy with whatever situation is bringing them down. Writing as a form of therapy has been around much longer than we think. A lot of the time when reading poems or short stories we don’t even notice the flow of emotion that is vented through the piece of work. This has been said to be a huge stress reliever, by writing down your thought and feelings people can sit back after read their situation and look at it with a somewhat clear head. In Cangialosi’s article she states “Writing is not only a salve but often a tool that opens our minds and hearts to things that are deep inside us” …show more content…

In “Healing Through the Written Word” Cangialosi uses methods of professional diction, appeal to authority, and a benevolent tone to attract the audience of potential clients for her psychiatric practice through her method of writing as a …show more content…

Thus, from stress people tend to get anxiety, depression, and feel unhappy with whatever situation is causing them to be despondent. Due to this Cangialosi, in “Healing Through the Written Word”, provides a solution to aid any patients in distress. By writing down your thoughts, beliefs, and emotions; potential clients and other psychiatrists reading her article get a clear understanding of what her article is about. Cangialosi targeted potential clients in by making her informative article more of a brochure in order to promote her point of view that states writing can be a tool for healing as well. She intends to persuade this audience by insinuating facts and how this could treat them at a low cost. In Cangialosi article she states “Writing is not only a salve but often a tool that opens our minds and hearts to things that are deep inside us” (Cangialosi 425). Through this process, people recognize what it is they are experiencing regarding what happened throughout their day and how it is a similar to what we do when someone goes to a friend and vents about whatever might be causing stress. As human beings, we are very emotional people, bottling things up inside is proven to be detrimental to our health. So, by writing down our feelings, and communicating our problems we can improve our lives, be happier and healthier people. In “Healing Through the Written Word” Cangialosi utilizes methods of

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