Sheep Ruminants

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According to Ibrahim (2015), The estimated population of sheep in Africa symbolizes 17% of the total world population while goats represent 30% Sheep’s are the main socially, culturally and economically important animals in Ethiopia, playing a significant role in the income resource small holder farmers. According to Albenzio et al. (2016), based on highly adaptation of different environmental conditions and relation of cultural and social life of small holder farmers used to household activity and saving account this small ruminants are highly important than other livestock species. According to Kristjanson et al. (2014) and Tadesse et al. (2015), The short generation interval, ability to give multiple births and their small size. Make sheep adaptable to smallholder and mixed crop-livestock production system whereby they contribute up to 22-63% to the net cash income (Seré and Steinfeld, 1996). Sheep products and services for instance meat, milk, skin, hair, horns, bones, manure and urine, provide security to the family, gifts, religious ritual, medicine and in addition to this importance this small ruminants have to be researched activates and opportunities for enhancing their productivity explored (Ebrahim and Hailemichael, 2012). Tolera et al. (2000) researches …show more content…

Natural pastures, forages and crop residues are a major essential feed resources of sheep. However, such feed resources may not satisfy the nutritional requirements of animals, particularly in the dry season, due to their inherent low nutrient content and poor quality(Mengistu, 2006). According to Legesse et al. (2008), Feeding such poor nutritional value feeds results in slow growth rates, poor fertility, and high rates of mortality and consequently reduced productivity of sheep

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