Analysis Of CLA Food Market

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CLA Food Market is a grocery store that sell produces and dry goods originating in Asian countries. There are food ranging from fresh produce to roasted pig. The cheap price and cleanliness are what attracts customer and it is located at the most convenient place to stop by and pick up grocery. The aroma of roasted pork and duck quickly filled the market and can be smelled throughout the store as I was shopping. When I entered the store, I smelled it right away and it has a distinctive and strong smell. The second prevalent smell was fish and saltwater as I walked near the area where fish, squid, and shrimp was sold. When I went to the produce area it smelled fresh because there wasn’t any produce that was rotting and the area was …show more content…

I saw a friend there, she greeted me with a warm smile and kept eye contact with me while I greeted her. When I was in line to checkout, the facial expression of the customers, looked frustrated and impatient because the person who was checking out, kept forgetting to get certain items and having to go back and forth. The women who asked about the discounts and then the cashier rudely replied to her had an angered and confused expression because she didn’t get her questions fulfilled. The women next to her had a facial expression of incredulous because she couldn’t believe the cashier was being rude and letting her personal problems affect the way she treated customers. The cashier had a tired and irritated expression because she was tired from bagging and scanning items, and having to answer questions the customers had. But everyone’s expression quickly changed to happy when an additional cashier came to help with checkout and this made the line move …show more content…

My mother hugged her and my father shook hands with her husband. Afterwards, she pats my younger brother in the back, as she says, he has grown up a lot since she saw him. Other than hugs and handshakes there wasn’t much touch behaviors because many people in the store didn’t know each other. The physical appearance of the employees was casual and comfortable; they didn’t have any uniform or dress code to follow. The employees working in the back, preparing the produce, was wearing gloves to be sanitary and wore an apron to keep their clothes from getting dirty. The employees didn’t have a professional look to them, instead, they had a comfortable and everyday look. It was hard to distinguish the employees from the customers, but this made them more approachable because if they had a more professional look it would make them intimidating. CLA food market is a great place for a variety of produce selection at a cheaper price. The store is kept clean and has an attractive décor. Even though the customer service is average, the freshness and cleanliness of the produce make up for

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