Analysis Of Alzheimer's Disease

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One of the most fascinating neurocognitive disorders is Alzheimer’s Disease (AD). The neurocognitive disorder due to Alzheimer’s disease “is the reduction or impairment of intellect, emotion, and behavioral functioning severe enough to be detrimental in social, occupational, and other important areas in life” (Gray, 2016, pg. 459). The disease has a colossal impact on the individual’s life. A 2015 report concluded that approximately 5.3 million Americans are diagnosed with AD (Alzheimer’s, 2015). Some common symptoms of AD include deterioration of memory, awareness, thought process, and perception. AD affects various portions of the brain that causes cognitive impairment. AD is found to be more common among women and involves all ethnic groups (Gray, 2015). There is no cure for AD, but with appropriate medication and management strategies may temporarily improve symptoms. …show more content…

AD was chosen for this analysis due to personal experience in working with individuals who suffer from the disease. The purpose of this analysis is to gain insight about the disease itself and to learn appropriate intervention strategies for helping individuals diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease.
Review of the Literature Alzheimer’s disease was introduced to society in 1906 by German psychiatrist Alois Alzheimer. This disease was considered extremely rare during this time. There are various explanations and approaches for what causes AD. Knowledge of AD has increased over

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