Analaysis of Curriculum Delivery Methods

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I think that centers are the best teaching technique to teach a lesson or skill to any students of any age of any grade. As for me being an Early Childhood Education major, my students will be these naturally excited students willing to learn. Most young children want to help and be interactive and learning centers allow these type of students to do just that. With learning centers, the centers allow these students to be able to ask questions, experiment, and grow from being in a group. These students are allowed to see other student’s point of view and learn from other perspectives. These students learn from not only their peers, but from us as teachers since we are the standbys just guiding them through the process. Centers force these students to be interactive and face what they within these centers and give them a real experience. Centers allow the time frame to be endless and completely hands on. I know for my classroom I will use these centers to allow my students to learn a subject and have multiple activities for my students to learn. I believe when the students are able to be active and engage themselves within an activity, it allows them to learn and attain more material. Especially for young children that I plan to teach, their learning style is through simple experience and self-exploration. For instance, if I was teaching a math lesson on counting and units, I could use unit blocks. This will also teach them basic calculations and combinations. Not only will my students be able to learn a lesson through the centers, they will also learn other skills that are not necessarily taught by a standard. They can learn how to be a leader, cooperation with others, sharing ideas and seeing other point of views, time managemen...

... middle of paper ... a science class and had a lab, I would enforce safety precautions such as wearing goggles, proper shoes, and gloves. I would incorporate collaborative working within my classroom because I am a teacher who believes strongly in working together and working in groups. I believe this allows students to learn what it means to be a part of a team and they will need this skill for everyday life and jobs for the future. I also believe in challenging in my students within the classroom. If I only allow my students to learn basics and not stimulating their minds, they will not learn as much as they could. I believe that a classroom environment should be challenging as well because some students get bored quickly and need some challenges to have a will to learn. With using all these components it will allow every students needs to be met and their learning abilities.


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