An Unhappy Relationship Between Parents and Children in the Red Ball

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An Unhappy Relationship Between Parents and Children in the Red Ball

Khan conveys how the story, Red Ball shows an unhappy relationship

between the father and Bolan in several ways. Firstly, through the

contrasts of descriptions and the use of language. Secondly, through

use of themes and characterisation. It is very clear that the

relationships in Bolan's family are unhappy.

Khan makes these ideas clear through a variety of techniques. Firstly,

he contrasts the differences between Bolan's house with his bowling

skills in cricket. Bolan's family live in a place like a prison or an

army camp. Bolan's house is described in very negative terms. Bolan

house has a long "tunnelled" gateway, and as Bolan walked to the far

end there is a "deep backyard', there is also a "last barrack room"

close to the "high wall". The description of Bolan's house is full of

darkness. No one will be happy and having freedom in the prisons and

army camp. That is may be one of the reasons why the relationship is

unhappy. On the other hand, Bolan's bowling skill in cricket is

described as very positive term. Firstly, he is "moving along like a

feather", he delivered the "red shooting ball that turned pink as it

raced to the batsman", and the cricket ball "swung high into the air".

His bowling movement is described that he is have freedom and


Secondly, he is described that he is graceful. "His long thin body

arched like a bow". The juxtaposition of these descriptions highlights

the darkness and unhappiness feelings in Bolan's house against the

happiness and graceful that Bolan is having when Bolan is bowling.

That is also shows that he is havin...

... middle of paper ... about the father and the male

statue. Bolan Dreamt that the statue can talk, and the statue says,

"we love you like nothin' else in the whole whole world." However,

when he wakes up he notices that his dream is true but the words were

said in his father mouth. That's shows that the father loves his son,

but he find it difficult to show and expressed his felling. Therefore,

the story blames the statue as Bolan's father.

In conclusion, the Red Ball shows us very clear that the relationship

between Bolan and his father is unhappy. The move from Tunapuna to

Port of Spain didn't change the life of the family a lot. Moreover,

the poverty does give the family much unhappiness. The story also

blames Bolan stole money, the suffering, time, Bolan and the statue

for unhappiness. Finally, we know that the father loves Bolan.

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