An Essay On Scapegoats

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Over the centuries, people have always found the need to blame someone or something usually for something that happens that they cannot completely understand or explain. In the present time one would believe that the thought of using scapegoats would be nonexistent. However, they are still being used because after some kind of calamity happens, it’s apparent that it is human nature to find fault in something to make the people feel safer. However, this act should stop, it is a horrible act that can make some people feel safe but it also makes even more people suffer in several ways. During ancient times, many societies used scapegoats as offerings to their Gods because they believed this would please the Gods and in return the people would live peacefully safe from harm. For example, in ancient Greece some societies would choose two man during the festival of Thargelia. After dining the men would be beaten with branches and be dragged out of the town with stones ("scapegoat"). This was done to protect the towns from any harm. The Mayas and other ancient cultures in the Americas chose certain humans to be sacrificed after any kind of disaster. These people would be decapitated, or be stoned or be killed in various ways in the belief that this would satisfy the Gods and keep them safe from their rath. These people would be decapitated, or be stoned or be killed in various ways (Campbell). During the 17th century in New England, the town of Salem specifically, there was a time they went through called the “Salem Witch Trials”. Throughout this time, the people of Salem blamed their problems on witches. Every thing or person that seemed out of the ordinary would be labeled as a cause of witchcraft, the population would pick any ra... ... middle of paper ... ... name and having the whole town, including her family, to stone her to death. This story caused a lot of commotion in society because people wondered what she meant. Sherley’s “The Lottery” is one of the perfect examples of the use of scapegoats, if even one person stands out in any way, they could influence the public and thus have the governing people fell threatened and the need to get rid of that person or people. Now in the 21st century scapegoats are still being used. Ever since the 9/11 incident people have labeled every middle eastern as a terrorist. Using scapegoats is one of the most horrible things humanity can do society needs to understand that in every country there are bad people and there are good people, people need to learn to stop labeling people as a whole but instead judge the person, not the all the people that look like that one bad person.

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