An Analysis Of Roger Williams Twist And Turns

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Ansley Yates
Dr. Abraham
HIST 1301
06 November 2014
Twist and Turns In the journey of American history there are many twists and turns. It took many people, and a long journey to make America the melting pot it is today. Many believe that solely Columbus discovered America, Which however, is not true. There were already people, Native Americans, living in America before Columbus arrived. Laziness is a reoccurring theme in American history. The settlers of James town were lazy looking for El Dorado. Setting the story straight about the ambiguous facts and details of Americas beginning. Creating the beautiful country it is today. Native Americans were the first ones to come to America the new world. The dates of this journey are debatable, but most say about 30,000 years ago. The …show more content…

However, Williams’s religious believes created dispute. He spread complete separatism. His belief was that the civil rulers of Massachusetts should not be punishing settlers for their religious beliefs. In A Plea for Religious Liberty by Roger Williams “TRUTH. I acknowledge that to molest any person, Jew or gentile, for either professing doctrine, or practicing worship merely religious or spiritual, it is to persecute him, and such a person (whatever his doctrine or practice be, true or false) suffereth persecution for conscience.” (Williams) he is stating that to punish someone for what they believe is wrong only god can judge them not man. Puritans were a strict group punishing the settlers for what they believe opposite of Roger Williams and the separatist. Many thought of the puritans “rather neurotically individuals who condemned liquor and sex, dressed in drab cloths, and minded their neighbors business.” (Pg52, Divine, Robert A., Breen, T.H., Williams, R. Hal, Gross, Ariela J. and H.W. Brands. ) Therefor, like the slaves roger Williams and the extreme separatist were seeking religious

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