An Analysis Of Lucifer At The Starlite By Kim Addonizio

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According to the PewResearchCenter, about 70.6% of Americans are Christian. This shows that more than 50% of Americans believe in Jesus. Similarly, more than 50% of Americans believe that Lucifer, the fallen angel is the Devil. Kim Addonizio writes a poem, in which she speaks about Lucifer the devil. She writes in Lucifer’s persona in which he explains why he should take over God’s role. In the poem, “Lucifer at the Starlite” by Kim Addonizio, she proposes the idea that Lucifer the Devil is taking over God’s role through the use of controversial topics and symbols to relate to the reader. Also, she uses sarcasm to make the reader critically think. It is important to note that she uses these literary devices in her poem, because it grabs the …show more content…

To start off, Addonizio connects to the readers by speaking about controversial issues such as the Iraq war and global warming. As stated in the poem, “To our boys and girls in the war, grinding through sand, to everybody here, our host who’s mostly mist, like methane rising from retreating ice shelves.” (Addonizio) She states that our host, which is God, is mostly mist. In this line, she is comparing God to mist. Mist is almost impossible to see, so in the line Addonizio is saying that God is not there. Additionally, the poem speaks about the soldiers fighting in the Iraq war. She references to the soldiers fighting in the Iraq war, because it is a controversial topic. Many people supported the Iraq war, but at the same time people disliked the war. She uses the controversial topic of the Iraq war to connect to her readers. It helps the reader focus on the statement, because it is a controversial topic. It gives the readers the sense that God is the reason why the Iraq war happened, because he was never there to prevent it. Adding on, in the second line, she speaks directly about the global warming issue …show more content…

In the poem, Addonizio references to the CEO and details. As stated in the poem, “The CEO has lost touch the details. I’m worth as much, but I care; I come down here, I show my face, I’m a real regular.” (Addonizio) Addonizio writes in Lucifer’s voice in which she states that God has lost touch with his followers. Adding on, Lucifer speaks in the voice of a politician when he says that he is a real regular and comes down to show his face. Similar to a politician running for office, a politician goes to each state to establish a baseline with his voters. The politician will go to each and every state to relate to his voters to obtain more votes to win the election. Likewise to Lucifer, he should take over God’s role, because Lucifer can relate to the people. Lucifer claims that he comes down to show his face to relate to the people. Lucifer states that people should like him more than God, because he shows his face more than God. She uses the CEO and details as symbols, because many of her readers can relate. In the work field, the CEO is the big boss and the details are usually the people working under the CEO. In this poem, the CEO serves as a symbol for God and the details serves as a symbol for his followers. Addonizio uses the symbols in her poem to connect to the reader since they can relate to the big boss CEO and the small detail workers. Also,

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