An Analysis Of Jane Addams

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Assignment # 1 • Why does Jane Addams think women should have the right to vote? Please summarize her argument in your own words. Jane Addams thinks women should have the right to vote to be more successful in properly running their households duties. She believes since society is constantly changing, the role of the women should expand in an effort to keep up with the societal changes around them. She wants the women to follow in the footsteps of the British women and to get liberated from the old beliefs that kept them restricted to operate only from the inside of their homes. She wants the women to be active members in the board of education in order to be active participants in the educational decision making of their own children. She …show more content…

Do you think she has other audiences in mind? If so, who and why? Addams’ primary audience for this editorial is the women in general. Addams’ is trying through this editorial to influence the women to claim their voting right as American citizens and sole responsible members of running the household and raising the children. I also think that she has another audience in mind. She is also addressing the city officials, the politicians and the rest of the male population in society. She is addressing the city officials and the politicians because they are the people responsible for the decision making in the implementation of any new changes in the voting rights. She is also addressing the rest of the male population, such as the husbands, the fathers, the brothers, the nephews to stand by the women and support them in gaining their voting right in order to raise and educate a better generation of sons and daughters. • How does Addams try to persuade her audience of this editorial of her position? What sorts of appeals does she make in this piece? Please include specific examples from the text. What other possible arguments might she have made? Why do you think she focused on the topics that she

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