An Analysis Of Jamaica Kincaid's The Ugly Tourist

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In the essays “The Ugly Tourist” written by Jamaica Kincaid, she postulates that when people are surrounded by others who are similar they are comfortable and normal. She further illustrates and emphasis that once you leave your ordinary life to visit others as a tourist you become an “ugly” person. Shooting an Elephant” written by George by Orwell, is about a man who works for the British empire and is against the oppression of Indians and he witness imperialism first hand that ultimately comprises he morals to protect the interest the British empire. Two ways to belong to America is about two immigrant sisters’ perspectives on adapting to America. White supremacy is when white people think it is there constitutionally elaborated right to treat people who are different in culture and class unfairly. White privilege create barriers between culture, class, and races that sometimes they are unaware of.
American is known as the land of opportunity and freedom. The land that welcomes people from …show more content…

People with little to no income do not have the same access to educations and jobs as white people. The upper class have better access to things that they want in life, they are also able to view things from different perspectives. In shooting an Elephant Orwell had a difficult time deciding on whether he should shoot the elephant, personally he doesn’t want to do it because he think it is morally wrong, on the other hand because he is the person in position of power it is the expectations of the Indians (pooper people) for him to take control of the situation and because he need to appear resolute and respected he ultimately pressured to shoot the elephant. This is an example of white privilege, although Orwell feels that the oppression of Indians is evil and shooting the elephant is wrong he shoot the elephant anyway because it was in his best interest to do

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