Measuring Life: Understanding Purpose and Direction

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“Efforts and courage are not enough without purpose and direction.” said John F. Kennedy. Most people today have less concern about the purpose of lives. This lead to the the three questions which set by Dr. Clayton M. Christensen in July 2010 on the article named “How Will You Measure Your Life?”. The first question is will you happy in your career?, Is family the source of happiness? and Will you stay out of jail?. All these questions help us to think more about our “lives”. In the article, Christensen divided the topic into six parts and all parts are essential. In my point of view, I found that the most interesting topic is “Create a Strategy for Your Life.” because the clear purpose helps us to identify the meaning of life, create success and stop wasting time.
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In other words, when you have a clear purpose, you can rank what the most important thing to do is. Having a clear purpose is to make life easier because the clear purpose is a life direction. To demonstrate, if you know that your purpose is being a doctor, you may especially focus on studying biology. If you do not have a purpose, you may study everything, such as studying drawing in order to be an architect and study languages in order to be a translator at the same time. The result of lacking your purpose in this case is wasting time. However, if you want to be a doctor, but you also like drawing, you can rank that studying biology is more important. You may learn how to draw in your free time. In addition, as Christensen said the students at HBS had little thought about the purpose of life. He also warned that “life only gets more demand”. The more you grow up, you may not have time to concern about what a strategy of life is. To analyze, if you do not have a clear strategy, your live may be empty, meaningless and boring. In summary, a clear plan directs about what to do. When you have a clear purpose, you can do your actions

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