An Act of Courage in To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee

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To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee is a classic novel. The story takes place in the 1930's, in a small southern town called Maycomb. The book is about the town and their struggles as they go through a difficult trial. Throughout the novel the author shows how courage is displayed through characters like Mrs. Dubose, Jem Finch, and Atticus Finch. The first important character to display an enormous amount of courage is Mrs. Dubose. She was a morphine addict for many years because it was prescribed to her as a pain killer. Mrs. Dubose could have just kept taking morphine and it would have made her life easier, but she chose otherwise. Instead she wanted to "die beholden to nothing and nobody". She showed determination and displayed lots of courage. Even though she said mean things about Atticus and his family, he paid no attention to that, just the fact that she was the most courageous person he knew. After Mrs. Dubose passed away Atticus explained to the children by saying, '"I wanted you to see something about her- I wanted you to see what real courage is, instead of getting the i...

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