An Analysis Of Amy Tan's 'Mother Tongue'

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Amy Tan’s “Mother Tongue” was a short exploration of the variety of English’s between her mother and the public. Tan is a Chinese American novelist, who writes about the difficulties she experienced. She opens up her text with a brief explanation on how she is not the best at English and how she uses more than one. She tells a brief story of the time she, her husband, and her mother were out looking at furniture. When speaking to her mother and sometimes her husband, Tan used a different spoken English. She shortened sentences spoken in the English language and substituted words in exchange for another synonym. She told a story where she was talking about furniture prices with her husband and mother and spoke very abrupt English. “Not waste …show more content…

This short reading was very observational, because Tan studied the effect teachers had on Chinese American students who were not so advanced in the English language and how these teachers were direct the students toward math and science. I believe the writer was stating that teachers do not give Chinese students the right attention for them to improve in the English language. I agree with Amy Tan, because the controversial argument about Chinese students being better at math and science has lead to these students not wanting to go into a career under English literature. I think it’s important to allow these students to have their own opinions; otherwise they are not being given many open …show more content…

Amy Tan has provided her experience about growing up with different types of English language. She told a story about her encounter with the different types of English she uses with her husband and her mother and how these languages are apart of her life. I never would’ve thought that written language differed from spoken language, until Tan told her story. Her experiences were quite emotional, because she had to pretend to be her mother on the telephone. The communicators on the other end of the line did not understand Tan’s mother or take her very seriously, which I found to be uncivil. It’s important for people to learn to be patient with those who need time to speak and those who have trouble with a secondary language. Amy Tan’s “Mother Tongue” provoked an emotional response, because I thought it was unfair as to how her mother was being treated. Tan’s mother’s English was not spoken very well, but well enough to understand bits and pieces. I think that the communicators on the other end of the phone could have been more patient with Tan’s mother, because she was speaking English. “Mother Tongue” highlighted the controversial issue many foreign Americans face and I think it’s very important that Amy Tan was able to address this

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