Amusing Ourselves To Death Chapter Summary

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Amusing Ourselves To Death by Neil Postman is written based on Postman’s opinion that television has impacted the level of public discourse in America in a negative way. Postman begins the story by talking about two significant books: 1984 by George Orwell and Brave New World by Aldous Huxley. In this book, Postman plans to talk about how things in the world, inspired by television, have proved that our world is turning into the one he’s read about in the stories stated above.
In the first chapter, Postman talks about different cities that have been the focal point of a radiating American spirit. He says that Boston, New York, and Chicago have been previous cities- but now it is Las Vegas. Las Vegas is a city devoted to entertainment and now everything in life (politics, religion, sports, news, and education) has been changed with more show-business aspects. I think he is saying that now, society will think something is irrelevant if it is not entertaining. We now have a culture based solely on entertainment. Postman states that “all culture is a conversation, or more precisely, a corporation of conversations, conducted in a variety of symbolic modes.” This quote is where Postman begins to talk about content and form. There’s many different forms to share …show more content…

It’s titled “Media as Epistemology.” Epistemology is basically the theory of knowledge, or how do you know what you know? In this chapter, Postman talks about how media can influence and determine the definition of truth. He argues that the definition of truth is derived from the character of the media. Information is conveyed in different ways, so the definition of truth can be twisted. Serious forms of discussion have turned into entertainment, concerning Postman because television has influenced the way we live. I found it interesting to read about the different kinds of media and how written words can express something different than oral words and

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