America's Dying Infrastructure Essay

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Khiem Ly EH 101 Bailey Robertson November 6, 2015 Critical Preface America’s dying infrastructure is a topic that isn’t talked about that much. The importance of a solid infrastructure of a country is very important. As we all know, the infrastructure is key. This topic is very important to me because I plays into the role of my major. When I was younger, I could see the poorly designed roads and even sewage systems all throughout the cities I lived in. This made me want to be a civil engineer. Knowing that I’ll have the chance to make a difference and research and design new methods is what drives me. I want to better societies and design better and stronger materials that can be used for infrastructure. America has only received very worrisome scores in regards to bridge and road design. What angers and frustrates me is that America has the resources, funding, and inspiration to excel in the best roads and infrastructures. …show more content…

Puerto Rico faced this same infrastructure crisis. The solution they came up involved investing in infrastructure by means of public to private partnerships "P3" projects. This is a very great idea. In a P3 project, the government contacts and makes deals with a private company to construct, maintain, and manage an infrastructure resource. These partnerships play a role in private capital into a public project, which will also help boost our economy. This means great control for society without having to deal with the government. The project's users pay an assessment or toll which is normal and understandable. The public and privately owned parties share the risks and profit, then giving the necessary public infrastructure without imposing an additional tariff on citizens that do not benefit directly from the infrastructure improvement. I think applying this solution will solve and better our country

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