American Dream Argumentative Essay

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The American Dream is a goal that many people continue to aspire towards independent of the many different citizenship circumstances within the United States. Do people still believe that the American Dream exists? If the American Dream does exist, do people have the resources and abilities to reach the American Dream in one interpretation or another? For many people, the American Dream still seems achievable and relevant in their lives, but for others, it seems impossible to attain. Therefore, everyone can make their own realistic definition of the American Dream based upon their personal goals and circumstances. Throughout history, the ideas and guidelines of the American Dream have been altered because of the ever changing economy and society. …show more content…

Author James Thomson writes an article titled “The American Dream’s Death Spiral” that is about the lack of an American Dream in our country. “Not only does the American Dream seem to be in danger of total collapse, the nation 's future has been placed at risk by an Administration that either has not figured out—or chooses to ignore—any methodology that would restore the strength of the U.S. economy” (Thomson). His opinion shows that he believes the government is responsible for the lack of an achievable American Dream in our country. Thomson does admit that the American Dream has changed from its previous idea because of the many advancements that we have experienced in the American economy and society. With the mindset that the American Dream has changed, one can determine that the American Dream is still alive. The reason Thomas views the American Dream as dead is because the government has hindered American’s ability to prosper and thrive within the country. While government choices do affect people’s specific abilities to achieve certain parts of the American Dream, the American Dream can be changed so that most people can work to achieve the goal within

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