America Leads the Cold War in the Mid 1960's

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During the mid 1960 the United States was winning the Cold War because, they had made NATO and the Internal Security Act, even though the Soviet Union had sent lots of weapons to Cuba. Now, taking us back in time, to the last days of WWII. The US and Soviets were about to win the war. The US was invading Germany on the west, and the Soviets were invading Germany on the east. But then the Americans stop and let the Soviets conquer the last of the european land. This was the first mistake, of many. Stalin had promised free elections for East Europe, but this is Stalin and we all know that he is a cruel unjust dictator. Stalin never let those east European countries have democracies or elections. Those countries became known as satellite nations. The US and Britain was not happy with Stalin at all. This disagreement sparked the Cold War. Then Churchill made his famous Iron Curtain speech about how Europe in now divided by this invisible iron curtain(Document 1). Communist nations would fight to spread communism and noncommunist nations would fight to stop the spread of communism. The Cold War had begun.
Winston Churchill’s speech on March 5, 1946 summed up his previous thoughts about the Soviet Union. One of Churchill’s most famous parts of the speech “From Stettin in the Baltic to Trieste in the Adriatic, and iron curtain had descended across the continent”(Document 1). Churchill basically said that Europe has been divided into two parts by this imaginary “iron curtain” the eastern half which is communist with dictatorships and the western half which is capitalist and mostly democratic. During this speech Churchill tried to tell Truman about what the Soviets are trying to do, create a communist world. Since the US ...

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...ich were super powerful. But the US had much more during the 1960’s. Even though the Soviets do have some good points the US had more nuclear weapons, NATO and Internal Security Act.
The United States were the clear winner of the Cold War during the 1960’s. First the US had more Nuclear weapons, the US were the first to perfect them and also had much more than the Soviets(Document 7). Secondly, the US created NATO with Britain and other European counties (Document 2). This strengthened all the countries and would give them somebody to watch their back. Third, the Internal Security Act made it very clear that we didn't want communist in the US and we kicked many of them out (Document 3). So even if people say that the Soviets were winning, there is too much evidence to easily prove them wrong. Therefor the US was winning the Cold War in the Mid 1960’s.

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