Solutions To Mass Incarceration

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America, land of the free…” Americans tout themselves on the foundation on which their country was founded, on freedom (American Civil Liberties Union). Freedom from tyrannical leaders, freedom of speech, and freedom of religion. However, many of the Americans do not share the same freedoms. For hundreds and hundreds of years the African American community has been in a constant fight for equality. From slavery, to Jim Crow, and to current mass incarceration, African Americans, and other minorities are still fighting for freedoms. The 13th Amendment had abolished slavery, however, it opened a new door, from slavery to mass incarceration. Mass incarceration and its impact on communities of color, the criminal justice system and its contribution to racial disparities, and lastly, the recommended solutions to racial disparities in the criminal justice system, all are needed to gain an insightful perspective towards the systematic oppression that people of color are faced with. …show more content…

In multiple court cases, the Supreme Court ruled that illegal searches and seizures were constitutional. In addition to upholding unconstitutional cases, the Supreme Court also stated, “searches can be made without a warrant if consent is obtained” (Alexander 66). Police officers interpreted this as meaning, as long as they have permission to talk to someone they can also search them. The ignorance of the judiciary branch led to an increase in racial stereotyping. A study showed that when respondents were asked to describe their idea of a predator, 95% of the respondents described a black male (Alexander 106). The criminal justice system failed to take in account that due to media outlets displaying black males as ‘predators’ and ‘gangbangers’ that they would be searched far more than their white counterparts, due to racial profiling and racial stereotypes (Alexander

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