Macbeth Ambition Essay

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What is the cost of ambition? For as long as history tells, ambition was a way for people to move forward with their lives and advance past others. Whether it means competing for a promotion or fighting to stay alive, this emotion gives people the motivation and perseverance to work through their obstacles and reach their goal. Although ambition allows many great opportunities and rewards, it can create selfish, egocentric people who do not take much consideration of others. Ultimately, if ambition consumes one’s thoughts and desires, their actions will not only cause chaos within themselves, but also within the lives of the people around them. In Shakespeare’s Macbeth, ambition played a significant role throughout the play. Lady Macbeth was …show more content…

Since the witches’ prediction about him becoming Thane of Cawdor had already come true, Macbeth felt very little desire to chase after the throne. Lady Macbeth, on the other hand, wanted her husband to pursue the rank by murdering King Duncan instead of waiting to receive it. The idea that a woman, who were considered inferior and powerless compared to men during shakespeare's time, would be the responsible for such violent conflict in the play was unusual. Because she was still unsure of her thoughts, Lady Macbeth prayed that her womanly features would be removed in order to gain more, at the time, manly qualities; such as violence and ambition. “...unsex me here, And fill me from the crown to the top-full of direst cruelty.” (Act I, Scene V) This decision was not an easy one, for it meant that Lady Macbeth would no longer be able to give birth to any children, thus resulting in the end of their blood line. In the spur of the moment, Lady Macbeth trusted that her decision was the best, even though she was completely blinded by her desire. She was willing to change her gentle, womanly features for those of a man’s. Once her ambition began to grow, it affected Lady Macbeth’s morals, because it allowed her believe that killing King Duncan was acceptable, since it would fulfill the witches’ prophecy. Her amount of ambition caused Lady Macbeth to not only have a troublesome introspection of her identity, but also let her conceive a heinous crime against her

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