Alternatives to Fossil Fuels

963 Words2 Pages

Fossil fuels which are hydrocarbons found within the top layer of the crust, are natural resources formed by the decomposition of anaerobic buried dead organisms such as dead plants and animals. They fossilize through the exposure of heat and pressure in the Earth’s crust. Fossil fuels are non-renewable resources because of the millions of years they take to be formed; prime examples are coal, natural gas and oil. When coal, natural gas and oil are burnt they release gases into the atmosphere such as carbon dioxide also known as CO2 which is a greenhouse gas that traps heat from the lowest part of the earth’s atmosphere, which also contributes to global warming. There is also Sulfur dioxide (SO2) which is a key contribution to acid rain, Nitrogen oxide (NO) which also contributes to acid rain and smog, as well as health issues. Reserves of fossil fuels are being depleted much faster than new ones are being formed. Our world relies on fossil fuels because they are very essential for the operation of our day to day lives and are thought to be beneficial and make our lives easier. Without them we wouldn’t be able to do simple things like; run our cars, heat our homes or have electricity. There are positive aspects results from fossil fuels; however at the same time there are sever negative impacts on the environment because of the inefficiency and environmentally damaging characteristic of these fossil fuels. The product produced by these fossil fuels is largely the blame for the green house effect. Fossil fuels have a significant effect on the global environment, they cause harm through biomass which is its recovery, transpiration, refining storage and combustion phase. When fossil fuels are recovered, for example oil, the top soi... ... middle of paper ... ... attempt has been successful so far, especially thanks to the creation of hybrid cars, which reduce the amount of fuel consumption. Science has been a great help because it was thanks to scientists doing different researches and trying to find solutions like using hydrogen for cars or electricity instead of fuel and that don’t cause greenhouse gasses effects. The advancement of technology has also had a big impact on find alternatives because there are machines that are used to create newer and better machines that don’t rely on fossil fuels and making a better cleaner and energy efficient world. Works Cited

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