Alternative Energy Will Reduce Unemployment

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Frederick Douglas, a famous abolitionist in 1864 sketched the perfect picture of America saying, "In thinking of America, I sometimes find myself admiring her bright blue sky-her grand old woods-her fertile fields-her beautiful rivers-her mighty lakes and star-crowned mountains. But my rapture is soon checked when I remember that all is cursed... " He whet on to finish his statement by describing the bonds of slavery and the shadow it cast on America. The picture of America that Frederick Douglas so beautifully described is slowly changing as the environment wilts and America's economy scours the planet for a solution in these tumultuous times. America must utilize alternative energy in a time of economic crisis to increase employment opportunities and globally impact our environment.

As of March 6, 2009 a FOX NEWS article reported that 12.5 million people are unemployed in America. This number is staggering and is the highest it's been since 1983 and still climbing. Putting the 12.5 million people into perspective, it is a larger number than the entire population of Pennsylvania not to mention 45 other states. Alternative energy is more than a source of electricity, fuel, or energy savings; it is a source of jobs. The influx of jobs that would be created by alternative energy would reverse the downward spiral of unemployment and develop a stable job field. According to a November report commissioned by the American Solar Energy Society the U.S jobs involving renewable-energy could grow up to as many as 40 million by 2030 (Macmillan). The future is very bright agreed Kevin Doyle, author of Complete Guide to Environmental Careers in the 21st Century, according to his article, careers in wind, solar, hydrogen, bio-energy and bio-fuels and even the federal government are more prolific than ever; the wide range of niches has something for just about anyone interested in alternative energy. Doyle went on to say that from 1999 to 2004 the wind power industry has grown 26% globally each year which makes it the top pick for available jobs in the alternative energy field (Rossheim). Some jobs will be lost in the process by updating technology and investing in efficient energy and renewable energy. However, an October study done by the American Solar Energy Society showed that 4.5 million more jobs would be generated rather than eliminated.

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