Alok Jha Water Essay

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According to Alok Jha water is different from most other molecules and some differences make no sense when compared to every other molecule that has similarities in the composition that are close to or are the same as that of water including mass, similar composition, and similar properties. The reasons for wanting to know the properties of materials are so that when you need to do specific processes you can use the best material for the job. Some range from being good solvents to some being good at reducing friction and dissipating heat. Water is special because it has so many different properties and since it does it is essential for all life on earth.
Water is a molecule made up of on oxygen molecule and two hydrogen atoms that are to one …show more content…

Water is a polar molecule meaning that it has a positive side and a negative side which is caused by the hydrogen atoms being to one side of the molecule causing the oxygen to be negative side and the hydrogen to be the positive side. The fact that water is a polar molecule also makes it very good at being a solvent so good in fact that it is nearly impossible to have a pure sample of water because it will dissolve parts of or particles on any container it is stored in. Since it is so hard to make and virtually impossible to keep a pure sample of water it is hard for scientists to do experiments with …show more content…

This special bond between water molecules is the reason it is a liquid at temperatures that all molecules similar to water are all gasses. According to Alok Jha on the another special thing about water is it expands when it freezes which is why ice floats on liquid water which is a very important when it comes to aquatic animals living in freezing water. The fact that water expands when it freezes is important because if it did not the earth would look like it was extremely flooded compared to the way it looks

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