Saturday Night Vs. Old Country Buffet

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It's Saturday night and I'm in my snug but not skin tight blue spaghetti strap floor length dark royal blue dress, all ready to go out to a very fancy restuarant. Old Country Buffet. As my friend and I climb out of my car in a classy like fashion, we realize that the line to Old COuntry Buffet is at least 50 meters long. "Oh My God." I say as my lipstick chalked lips fall to the floor. Glancing over at a fast-food pizza restaurant, my friend and I look at each other. "Uh huh." We both say. Pizza is better than some buffet anyway, I thought. About five minutes later, some friends of hours emerge from the middle of the centidpede like line and come up to us. I almost jumped in hyperness. "WHazzzzzzup?" I say in …show more content…

I was anything but bored. Ready to start jumping as soon as I got there, I raced into the cafeteria and brought my friend , Jimmy , with me. I had never felt so energized at a social event. I felt as if the music was literally flowing through my veins, pulsing with every move, and I was...high. But I wasn't. I was normal but I felt like I was high. Did being high feel like this? Had I had too much caffeine? Damn! I have to suck some helium out of those floating balloons! THe thoughs would not stop racing. Although I had never been to a rave, I thought that this dance felt like one. Euphoric, and as energized as a duracell battery after about 24 hours of charging, I hadn't checked my watch for at least two …show more content…

Coke was the drink of choice and the courtyard was the ideal place to go. Cooling off and talking to a few friends who had not gone with me, a couple people asked if I had gotten wasted or high like some of their friends had, but I replied no. It was at that time that a kid I knew in my grade walked out into the courtyard , completely wasted and smoking a cigarette as if it were a joint. He was the most pathetic thing I had seen since the day before...which was the same guy. Anyway, he came up to me and said "I'm drunk." As it turned out, he had gone to the bathroom and drank a 40 oz. In the bathroom for God's

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