Allopathic Role Model

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Allopathic refers to the type of medicine that is the current role model for the US health care system. In plain English and to put it simply this is medicine which is based on a biological approach to treating patients. As an example; if a patient has diabetes mellitus the allopathic approach would include medication used to control the blood sugar regulation in the body. Allopathic medicine follows Descartes, by holding a view of the body and separating it into components. Today this may not be the best approach to medicine as this can cause a divergence of body systems. This separation allowed for an analytical approach to physical causes for body systems and to assist in defining and treatment of specific illnesses. This is perhaps best …show more content…

This type of acute attention to care is exactly what this medical model excels in.

Allopathic medicine treats the disease; some people feel as though it does not necessarily treat the individual. In some cases the best medicine would be a combination of both allopathic and biopsychosocial, as there are physical changes that can be adapted to assist in improving, extending or sustaining an individual’s life. After you are released from the allopathic, it might be wise and beneficial to follow up with biopsychosocial, rather than simply continuing to take pain medication.
The average person may turn to alternative treatments not because their doctor is uneducated or incompetent but rather because allopathic medicine fails to meet their need for a holistic perspective of health. If you look up diagnostic medicine and holistic medicine in the encyclopedia it states “Many people are now turning to holistic medicine, often when suffering from chronic ailments that have not been successfully treated by allopathic means” (Encyclopedia, …show more content…

If you would like a better example think of it like this “Several studies have shown that chronic stress exerts a general immunosuppressive effect that suppresses or withholds the body’s ability to initiate a prompt, efficient immune reaction” (Mohd, 2008). As we can see these do indicate that an increase in stress, which can then be linked to inflammation, which then puts added stress on the heart, increasing more stress hormones, which can then contribute to high blood pressure, chest pain, irregular heart rhythms all of which can then contribute to progression of coronary artery

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