All Quiet on the Western Front, by Erich Maria Remarque

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“All Quiet on the Western Front” is a novel written by Erich Maria Remarque. It is a war novel that tells the story of a young man and his experiences in combat during World War I. The title of the novel roots from a phrase used to describe the silence between shellings and infantry attacks during the battles fought on the western front ( Text, 895 ). Although World War I was a very real event, the testaments of the main character in “All Quiet on the Western Front” is purely fictional, but they are based on the accounts of veterans of the war.

In order to understand most of the events that took place in the novel it is essential to understand how the war erupted. After Serbia refused to apologize to Austria for the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand, Germany pushed Austria to declare war. Germany’s desire to start a war can be explained by the internal tensions that were increasing in the country at the time. The assassination was a timely scapegoat to direct the peoples attention and animosity to external sources. In short, on July 28, 1914, Austria declared war on Serbia and the allies of each country joined in, starting this global war.

Paul Baumer is a young soldier who volunteered to enter into the German army with a group of his schoolmates. All the events that take place in the novel are seen through Paul’s eyes, they are described on the basis of the perspective of this young soldier. In the first chapter, Paul recalls the reasons for why he and his friends enlisted. He talks about their schoolmaster, Kantorek, who would lecture them constantly on the fact that they should “join up” (pg. 11). Another reason that played as a facto...

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... that the war had on the soldiers is told in “All Quiet on the Western Front”. Not only does Paul describe the events that he goes through, but he also describes his understanding that the war has changed him forever. He doesn’t believe that he can ever return to normal life after having gone through what he has. Facing death and killing has made him old beyond his years and he confirms that when he says “...Youth? That is long ago. We are old folk” (pg. 18). Paul describes his acknowledgment that the war has transformed him when he describes that the soldiers have been transformed “...into thugs, into murderers, into God only knows what devils...” ( pg.114 ). Naturally “a beast” is incapable of returning to a civilian life. This is the unfortunate fate of the soldiers who survived the war.

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