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Alcoholism and its effects on the family essay
Effects of alcohol on society and family
Effects of alcoholism on families and society
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Recommended: Alcoholism and its effects on the family essay
Alcoholism - No Easy Solution Mike Brake’s “Needed: A License to Drink” is a well-written essay that covers the serious issue of alcoholism and goes on to offer a creative proposal to solve the situation. Brake addresses alcoholism as a “primary public health-problem” which holds merit, considering Brake sites alcohol is the cause of 19,000 auto fatalities each year. To remedy these preventable fatalities, Brake proposes to institute a national system of licensing with appropriate penalties for violators. He goes on to say that these licenses should be issued the same way as driver’s licenses. An applicant would have to read a manual, and take a written exam which would include questions such as “How many drinks would it take to intoxicate a 150lb man?” and “What is the penalty for drunk driving?” After passing the written test applicants would be issued a drinking license that would be required for buying any alcoholic drink. Brake bases his credibility on the tragic premature loss of four family members due to alcoholism which he refers to as a “deadly disease” (Brake 135). And although it would never be acceptable to wish such terror on anyone, the misfortune is not enough to qualify a person as an expert. Brake presents strong family values and plays into the reader’s compassion for loved ones. Brake also spent two years working as a counselor in a chemical-dependency treatment center, where he gained first hand experience working with a young man who passed out while smoking and a nurse who lost her license and became a prostitute. However he mistakenly forgets the patient explanation as to why a young man who passed out while smoking and a nurse who turned prostitute, is relevant to the problem of alcoholism. If ... ... middle of paper ... ... can not present a legitimate argument, second alcoholism is not a disease and so each person must find it in themselves to stop, or they have family that really loves them and help them stop. Third it would cause more problems then it is solving, and finally it would cost the general public more money then it is worth. Works Cited. Brake, Mike. "Needed: A License to Drink." The Genre of Argument. Ed. Rosenberg. Boston, MA: Thomson Heinle, March 14, 1994. 135-136. Falcone, Timothy J. "Alcoholism and Drug Addiction FAQ's Saint Jude Retreat House. 19 April 2004. Online. Internet. 19 April 2004. Available: http://www.soberforever.net/FAQ1.cfm. "National Highway Traffic Saftey Administration." Operating Administrations, U.S. DOT FY 2005 Budget in Brief. 19 April 2004. Online. Internet. 19 April 2004. Available: http://www.dot.gov/bib2005/admins.html#nhtsa.
In Henry George’s article, What the Railroad Will Bring Us, it discusses the main social, political, and economic transformations that the trans-continental railroad would bring to the state of California. More importantly, he discusses not only the benefits, but also discusses the major drawbacks with the arrival of the railroad. Henry George stated the railroad would be the “greatest work of the age” (297). With a railroad stretching from the Atlantic to the Pacific, multiple benefits would be brought to the state of California. First, the railroad will not only create a new means of transportation across the United States, it additionally would also become “one of the greatest material prosperity” of its time (298). This means more people, more houses,
I can still remember the day, June 2, 2013, my cousin took his own life due to alcohol. This is not the first time alcoholism has taken a family member from my family. I lost my uncle ten years ago to the same things, but running his truck into a tree. Like Scott Russell Sanders’ my family has suffered from the pain and disease that alcohol causes. Although Sanders’ case was much different than mine, my families is more unknown until all of a sudden one of my family members is gone. In Sanders’ essay, “Under the Influence: Paying the Price of my Father’s Booze,” he discusses how it was growing up around him, his father’s life being taken, and his life now.
Ophem, Marieke Van. "The Iron Horse: the impact of the railroads on 19th century American society."
It is a fact of life that Alcoholism will distort the victim’s view of reality. With authors, they put parts of their personality and symptoms of their condition into their characters sometimes, flawed distortions included, with varying degrees
This book follows Johnsons political career, from a eager hard-working congressional secretary to the landslide victor of the 1964 presidential election. It discusses his "liberal" political views, It seems as though Johnson thought he could help the American people single-handedly and he seemed determined to do it. Johnson is He is praised for his vast legislative record and his stand on poverty and eventually, civil rights. He is criticized for his methods and
Railroads first appeared around the 1830’s, and helped the ideas of Manifest Destiny and Westward expansion; however, these were weak and didn’t connect as far as people needed, thus causing them to be forced to take more dangerous routes. On January 17th, 1848, a proposal was sent to Congress by Asa Whitney to approve and provide federal funding...
...and William Miller, The Age of Enterprise: A Social History of Industrial America, (New York: Harper & Row, 1961), 87.
Seavoy, Ronald E. "Railroads." An Economic History of the United States: From 1607 to the Present. New York: Routledge, 2006. 188-200. Print.
There are many theories of alcoholism, and some approaches explain and treat certain alcoholics better than others. One of the common themes throughout the readings is that addicts display a range of personal and situational problems. There is no "typical" addicted personality or emotional problem (Allen, 1996). Because of these facts, it comes as no surprise that there are also no typical assessment or treatment for these individuals. For instance, a medical/disease model of alcoholism may be more useful to some alcoholics than others. The point is that instead of rigidly applying one model, a counselor's goal is to use the models that are most effective to the particular alcoholic in question.
Robinson, David. From Drinking to Alcoholism: A Social Commentary. London: John Wiley and Sons, 1976.
PURPOSE: To persuade my audience NOT to drink and drive Every person is accountable for his or her own “right to drink”. Failure to treat this or any “right” responsibly has consequences. The person’s “right” can and should be taken away when the failure to act responsibly endangers others.
“For every family that is impacted by drugs, there are another 10 to 15 families impacted by alcohol abuse. It's a pretty big deal. We have a tendency to only look at part of the puzzle.” (Kevin Lewis). As a society we tend to categorize the severity of addiction in a way that drugs are the most dangerous and alcohol being just a problem. Because alcohol addiction can be a slow progressive disease many people don’t see it in the same light as drug addiction. An addiction to drugs is seen as being a more deadly and dangerous issue then that of alcohol because a drug addiction can happen more quickly and can kill more quickly. Alcohol is something that is easy to obtain, something that is found at almost every restaurant. People with an alcohol addiction can not hide from alcohol as easy as a drug addict. Approximately 7 million Americans suffer from alcohol abuse and another 7 million suffer from alcoholism. (Haisong 6) The dangers of alcohol affect everyone from children with alcoholic parents, to teenagers who abuse alcohol, then to citizens who are terrorized by drunk drivers.
Alcohol has been around for years, used for social events, as an addition to dinner or dessert, and as a relaxation aid. It can also be used to supplement hardship, pain, frustration, and other difficult mental health issues. Alcoholism is considered a disease and an addiction; like many other addictions or diseases, it can be easier to ignore the issue than to deal with it. Similarly to other addictions, the kids in the house are subject to the negativity from an alcohol addiction; they can be ignored, treated poorly, they can feel ashamed or helpless, and if the parent promises to quit and then does not, they can get frustrated. I am going to test the affects alcoholic parents have on teenagers at home.
Everitt, B. Robbins, T. (1999) Drug addiction: bad habits add up. Macmillian Magazines, volume 389, pg 567-570.
Yang firmly believed that success could be achieved by: a) giving users abundant reasons to visit your service, and b) promote the hell out of the brand. Both strategies were key in Yahoo’s success. Yang’s vision of a one-stop-shopping site, giving users multiple reasons to use his servic...