Akhenaten: An Indirect Analysis

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My selected artifact is relief dating to Dynasty 18 in which Akhenaten is depicted as a sphinx, offering to the god Aten. Akhenaten wears the ureaus headdress, marking him as king of Egypt while two cartouches contain his official name. In addition to his cartouche, the relief contains the cartouches of Aten and Nefertiti, delineating the trinity of divinities that compose Akhenaten’s religion. Aten is depicted traditionally, as a sun disk, with his hands holding ankh symbols reaching towards offering tables in front of Akhenaten where the king holds a basket containing Aten’s titles inside. The inscription on the relief reads “great, living Aten”… “dwelling in the Sunshade temple” which is a different structure than the Aten Great Temple in
Just like Akhenaten in the aforementioned relief, the king and his family were depicted in an exaggerated style, much different than the idealized style of past Egyptian art. The human body was drawn with emphasis on the curves of the hips and stomach, but also presented individual features that made it easy to discern who was pictured. Along with differences in style, the content of art changed, with the royal family being seen in increased intimacy. There is even a relief of Nefertiti sitting on Akhenaten’s lap, a closeness not previously seen in royal art. The Aten Great Temple reflects the changes in architecture that especially permeated temple architecture. Temples were built open to the air, allowing Aten to penetrate the sacred area with his rays. Also, temple reliefs evolved to depict scenes of daily life at Amarna and the activities of the royal family instead of that of gods, as previously seen in Egypt. The Great Temple contained nine hundred open air mudbrick offering tables, like the ones depicted in the relief, in which food offerings would be left for Amen. Akhenaten probably decided to be depicted as the sphinx in the above relief because of the connection the sphinx previously held to the sun god Amen- Ra with Akhenaten reinterpreting it as a symbol of praise to

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