Agile Software Development

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They are two methods of software development, with clear methodologies that help the companies shape their software and guide the teams within the software development lifecycle. But what makes them different and how can you chose between one and another?

About Agile
Agile method is focused on an incremental and iterative approach, proposing more freedom to the software design process. This freedom is necessary when there is a need to react promptly to new requirements or other factors that are influencing the product state.
With Agile the software development process is very flexible, it could be even considered as a freeform software design. There are no clear defined steps that one must follow, the software as a product is developed in small modules at a time.
A very important aspect in the agile methodology is that the end-user or customer feedback happens at the same time as the product is developed. Therefore the software itself need to adapt to this feedback and the development team needs to be able to respond quickly and effectively to changes in requirements.
Other aspect o...

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