Personal Values In The Progressive Era

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During the Progressive Era, there was a great deal of discrimination and oppression towards African Americans. White Americans attempted to prevent them from succeeding, which forced them to deal with severe segregation and oppression. However, African Americans continued to fight for their rights and equality through marches and protests. The African American Population during the Progressive Era
During the Progressive Era, which includes the period between 1900 and World War I, there was substantial amount of discrimination and oppression towards African Americans. Although African Americans had gained citizenship, their civil rights continued to be ignored and they were forced to face severe segregation. African Americans were excluded from available social
During the Progressive Era, I could not fathom how people could be so inhumane and unjust to another race. My personal values stem from my childhood socialization. Growing up, I was always taught to treat people fairly and the way you treat people will be reciprocated. I have quickly learned throughout my life and from the history of African Americans that this is not always the case. However, my personal value has not changed. I still value all forms of equality including social, financial, opportunistic, and race. In addition, I also value dignity and worth of a person. This personal value is congruent with social work and the profession’s code of ethics. Through this personal value I realize that the work and contribution of all people to society, regardless of the person’s race or culture, is important and valuable. Furthermore, I think that culture and individual differences are both meaningful and important contributions to the function of societies. Therefore, it is obvious how the topic of discrimination and oppression against African Americans during the Progressive Era contradicts my personal

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