African American Freedom In The North

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Freedom in the North By: Arlianna, Vega African American people back then didn’t really have that much freedom of their own rights, not even the right to vote. But in the 1800’s New England had most of the freedom rights to do most things like they could vote, they would be free, but they still had to obey the Caucasian rules. In 1860 the only countries in the north to let male suffrage and jury services was Massachusetts. African American females in the northern didn’t really have that much freedom they couldn’t vote. African American males had more rights than African American females. In some states they couldn’t have any religions or have a church for them, if an African American was in a Caucasian church then they would treat them bad, but if a Caucasian person went into an African American church then the African Americans had to welcome them into the church. How free were African Americans? African Americans were somewhat free. Africans In the north were not free in the years before the civil war because of their political restrictions; they also had social freedom and economic freedom. …show more content…

The whites didn’t let the African American speak their rights because the Caucasian thought that the African Americans could be agents the dissection that the Caucasian people thought was good for the African Americans to follow. If African American people tried to vote they would either be threatened, beaten, or killed. They couldn’t have freedom of speech because the Caucasian didn’t want the African Americans to gather themselves and talk about what they didn’t like about the Caucasian rules that the African Americans had to follow through with. The African Americans had a lot of expectations for Caucasian people because they were forced to work for no income or proper

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