Advertising Is Big Business?

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Advertising is big business. And without it, most companies probably would not be as far as they are today. Say for instance Amazon. Amazon dominates the retail industry. And almost every newspaper, broadcast station, and search engine, you will see somewhere in it an Ad for Amazon. A lot of advertisement companies pay other companies huge amounts of money, just for their ad to be displayed somewhere on that companies list. One major type of advertising is drug advertisements. Drug advertising in America is huge. Not just because America has a lot of health issues, but also because American health industry is a huge monster within itself. That’s why there is a drug aimed at every target. Often, you hear a drug ad ask if your showing these types of symptoms. Then towards the end, they say the harmful side effects quickly before the commercial is over. However, the prescription drug industry is continuing to grow rapidly. And it looks as if there are no signs of slowing down.
In regards to Nielsen CO, I believe the Nielsen company was right when they said that American televising displays an average of 80 drug ads each hour. I myself have noticed that there are a lot of drug ads regulated on television daily. Personally, I believe that the prescriptions ads on television are not necessary, but they can be helpful to many people. Companies spend millions of dollars on placing ads all across the world. They are willing to take these extra measures simply because it helps them bring in more revenue. It’s like spending 5 million dollars a year on prescription ads. And receiving 20 million dollars that same year, through sales.
Consumer advertising is just one way for companies to target consumers. It’s mostly targeted at people who bu...

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... weight loss surgeries are now having problems with absorbing vitamin B. Which is a direct consequence to having stomach procedures.
Although I agree with advertisers distributing their drug ads across the television screens. I am not okay with the fact of these advertiser is directly sending ads to a person’s mobile device. I find this completely unethical, and against private policies. As a law, medical records are supposed to be private. By drug companies directly sending their recommend prescription ads to your Mobile device they are showing to be completely out of line. An example would be, if a person watches pornography on their mobile device. Instantly drug advertisements for Viagra offers start going straight to that person’s device. I find this unethical, and unreasonable. Drug ads should not be targeted to a person simply based off their search history.

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