Advantages to Karotype Testing

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The set of chromosomes that an individual has is called the person’s karyotype. A karyotype test is one of the many important tests performed when determining a person’s gender. This test is done by collecting genetic information about a person including their chromosomes. Examining these chromosomes through karyotyping allows determining whether there are any abnormalities or structural problems and also if the person is male or female. A human has 23 pairs of chromosomes. Twenty-two of these pairs, are called autosomes, and they look the same in both males and females. But the 23rd pair, the sex chromosomes, is different between males and females. Females have two copies of the X chromosome, while males have one X and one Y chromosome.
The first step taken in karyotype test is by taking a sample of your Mitosis cells. These samples can be taken from various tissues, including bone marrow, amniotic fluid, blood, or placenta. The sample is then placed in a laboratory dish that allows the cells to grow and multiply. Then the dividing cells are stopped in metaphase by treating it wit...

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