Advantages Of White Privilege In Society

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When majority of individuals hear the term privilege one thinks about the thought of something that is earned through hard work and respect, but is that the case for all privileges? White privilege is an advantage that white people have in society that is unearned and usually unrecognized. A decent amount of white people in today’s society do not even realize that they are born with this privilege. Throughout their lifetime they are taught to ignore the fact that there is an extensive separation between them and the minority communities. Until educated about the simple fact, the topic of white privilege is often viewed as “the norm” and brushed aside causing itself to repeat in history and putting whites as a superiority. Whites gain a countless Society, social media, television, books, etc. have always placed white women as beautiful over all other races. Media teaches women at a young age that fair skin, blue eyes, and European hair are the characteristic one needs to possess to be considered beautiful. This put mothers of the minority in an awkward positon because they have to often remind their young daughters that they are beautiful and worthy to be praised. I remember as a child wondering why I did not see people that looked like me in the commercials or in the magazines. Why in most cases can I pick up any magazine and see a white person depicted as beautiful and successful no matter what, but in order to see an African American depicted as beautiful she either has to be doing something prevalent in society or selling ethnic hair When an African American person speaks with intelligence they are often asked those questions. It is considered “normal” for people with fair skin to speak coherently, but when a black person does it there is often an element of surprise. This is not okay. Precious could have been raised in the same neighborhood as Amy and attended the same schools, but whenever Precious speaks everyone is always astounded by “how smart she sounds” or “how articulate she is” and when Amy speaks it is just Amy

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