Advantages Of Spending Money Essay

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Spending money is easy, but saving money can be hard to do. You don’t need to buy everything you want, but that does not mean you can’t spoil yourself occasionally, because sometimes we feel the need to splurge. Shop on a budget to keep track of how much you spend, so you don’t spend too much. Don’t spend money on things you don’t need because that is a waste, you don’t need the latest kitchen gadgets to make cooking easier, you can do it yourself. Don’t spend money just because you want to, save that money for something else that you know you will use so it will be a useful investment. Cooking your own food can be fun, it’s cheaper than going out, and it is healthier. Use a budget and stick to it, use coupons and look for good deals, don’t …show more content…

Shopping on an empty stomach is not a good idea and will lead you to buy food you don’t need because all food is good when you are hungry. If you do go shopping when you’re hungry make sure you have a lot of cash on you because you will want to buy all the food you see. This pushes you to waste money and to buy things you don’t need. You’re hungry, you go shopping, walk down many aisles looking at all kinds of delicious food, get one too many and suddenly your cart is loaded with food you don’t need. Before going shopping make sure you are not hungry or get a snack before you go in so that you aren’t as hungry. If you are hungry, you will be inclined to buy food. Some stores are designed without aisle descriptions so you have to search through each aisle looking for what you need, therefore prompting you to buy all the other things you see before getting to what you actually need. If you are a little hungry, free samples are your friend. The best time to get free samples is around eleven a.m. at Sam's Club or Costco, and keep going back for more until the servers tell you to leave. Free samples also allow you to taste the food to see if you actually like it before you waste your money and buy it, so use that to your …show more content…

Some restaurants, like all-you-can-eat restaurants, also charge you for not eating everything so make sure you eat what you order so that you don’t pay for food you didn’t eat. Eating out is nice, but don’t do it all the time because then you will get sick of eating that food all the time and it’s not good for you. That food is not always made with fresh ingredients, so eat at home where you can smell the food sizzling in the pan and hear the knife chopping fresh red peppers on the cutting board. Cooking for yourself allows you to know what goes into your food and you can control how good it is for you by adding healthy ingredients. Also, when you eat out you are wasting gas getting there and you still spend time waiting to get your food. Save your gas, time, money, and appetite and eat at home. This doesn’t mean that you should never go out to eat, by all means, go out to eat once in awhile because cooking takes a long time and it can be tiring. So go and treat yourself when you have saved up the money you didn’t spend on food you didn’t

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