Advantages Of Mass Incarceration

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ESSAY 3 Perhaps the most common argument against mass incarceration is the cost. Weisberg and Petersilia explain a “cost-benefit” rationality surrounding mass incarceration. The public still wants to incapacitate and punish violent offenders, but are becoming more lenient towards non-violent drug offenders. This is because the societal cost to imprison non-violent offenders has reached a threshold that is no longer fully tolerated. This is due to the actual cost of the current prison system to taxpayers, the socioeconomic costs and socially stratifying effects of imprisonment, and the collateral costs of imprisonment on the country as a whole. However, in implementation knee jerk reactions that cut costs often undermine programs that are designed
Because having a felony record makes participation in prosocial society so difficult, it is unsurprising that released felons often recidivate. Having a record is often used to disqualify candidates from employment, prevents felons from receiving welfare benefits such as food stamps, and disqualifies one from living in public housing. On top of this, there are often large fees and fines to pay as part of one’s punishment. Thus, in order to make ends meet released offenders return to the criminal underworld where they have connections and prior records of financial success. The issue with the implementation of programs to address this, such as education and job skills training for felons, are that they are expensive in an already over-budget
This type of program would help offenders successfully reintegrate into their communities, as well as fostering prosocial bonds in legitimate society. It would also help felons to make ends meet and to pay the fines and fees that are owed as part of their punishment, preventing the financial incentive to recidivate. This is a way to engage the community as a part of corrections without unduly burdening them, as business owners would be compensated financially for their part in the process of

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