Advantages And Disadvantages Of Primates

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Primates have certain behavioral traits that are key to their survival which include their sociability. The reason why primates need to have sociability is because they need access to mates, food and help with avoiding predators. With that being said there are different types of social group in primates, which include: Solitary, Monogamy, Polygyny, One-Male Polygyny, Multi-Male Polygyny, Fission-Fusion Polygyny and Polyandry. The reason primates build this social interaction with one another is because it is a key element to their survival. The benefits primates have from being more social would be the ability to have access to mates, which means that they have groups to allow them for greater variety and access to each other even though the competition exists within the groups. Also, they will have better access to food because large groups have a greater potential for finding food and once the food is found, there would be competition …show more content…

The solitary social class was very common within early primates and it is usually when males occupy territories that overlap a number of female territories. Primates within this social group usually have a better sense of smell and an acute hearing. On the other hand, some disadvantages that primates have in a solitary social class can be found by evaluating their predation levels. Studies have shown that these primates are more active at night due to their independent nature which they do not have access to mates since they are lone rangers. According to the scholarly journal, Evolution of Primate Social Systems, it states that, “…nocturnal activity is strongly correlated with a solitary life style, perhaps because group cohesion and coordination would be difficult and might attract predators” (Kappeler & Schaik, 2002). This would make sense since they do not connect with other primates to help each other to avoid

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